Thank you so much to everyone that participated in the 2nd Annual Yay! May! Pet Portrait Giveaway! You were all FABULOUS contestants!

Here is Walter's story:
Walter is my 13 year old collie mix. He's been my best friend for the last 13 years and I couldn't ask for a better dog. He's suffering a bit from dementia in his old age, but it makes him all the more fun to have around. We love him and all his little quirks.
Walter is my 13 year old collie mix. He's been my best friend for the last 13 years and I couldn't ask for a better dog. He's suffering a bit from dementia in his old age, but it makes him all the more fun to have around. We love him and all his little quirks.
Welcome Back to our 2nd Annual Yay! May! Pet Portrait Giveaway!
(May 15th to May 31st)
As you know, last year Ducati was our wonderful winner and the winner was chosen by Ruccus, my dog, by picking out a water bottle with a secret name in it. This year, Ruccus will be choosing a name again, but I have something different planned for him. So the amount of "like" votes you get under your picture will not determine the winner. Also, you can submit up to 4 pets per household with only one photo per pet and the contest is open to anyone who has participated in past MPP contests. The photo's are to be of pets only and they can be any home pet from dogs and cats, to chickens and iguanas....MPP does not discriminate against any animal and welcomes all furry, feathered, and scaled friends! Please note all the rules that are listed below and only make entries if you are going to follow each rule. Thank you for coming back to the 2nd Annual Yay! May! Pet Portrait Giveaway! and
if you are new to the contest, I welcome you as well!
if you are new to the contest, I welcome you as well!
1- Only 4 pets per household are allowed to enter and only one photo per pet please. If you would like to enter a
foster/rescue animal, the same rules apply and that will count as one of your entries.
2- All past and new contestants are welcome to enter.
3- All photo's submitted must in high res and in JPEG format.
4- You can make an entry any day from the 15th to the 31st and the winner will be announced the following week
in June after the contest has ended.
5- The winner will receive a free pet portrait, but S&H will not be included. The S&H fee will be $25, for the selected
free size. If you choose to upgrade your size, there will be an additional cost as well as an additional S&H fee.
6- This contest is open to all candidates in the US and international. If you are outside the US or Canada, the S&H
fee may result in a higher charge.
7- Please remember that this is a pet friendly page and any negative comments that are left under anyone's
photo's, will result in being banned from the MPP page.
8- At anytime MPP has the right to change/add any rules to the contest.
9- The photo's that you submit will be posted on the MPP website as well as the MPP Facebook fan page, and will
not be taken down, so you are surrendering the rights to the image once you submit it.
10- Any graphic materials will not be posted and the nature of the photograph will be left to MPP's discretion.
*** All entries must be made through the entry form below any entries posted on the MPP facebook wall, will not be
submitted as an entry. Also, any entries made through another party will not be submitted.
foster/rescue animal, the same rules apply and that will count as one of your entries.
2- All past and new contestants are welcome to enter.
3- All photo's submitted must in high res and in JPEG format.
4- You can make an entry any day from the 15th to the 31st and the winner will be announced the following week
in June after the contest has ended.
5- The winner will receive a free pet portrait, but S&H will not be included. The S&H fee will be $25, for the selected
free size. If you choose to upgrade your size, there will be an additional cost as well as an additional S&H fee.
6- This contest is open to all candidates in the US and international. If you are outside the US or Canada, the S&H
fee may result in a higher charge.
7- Please remember that this is a pet friendly page and any negative comments that are left under anyone's
photo's, will result in being banned from the MPP page.
8- At anytime MPP has the right to change/add any rules to the contest.
9- The photo's that you submit will be posted on the MPP website as well as the MPP Facebook fan page, and will
not be taken down, so you are surrendering the rights to the image once you submit it.
10- Any graphic materials will not be posted and the nature of the photograph will be left to MPP's discretion.
*** All entries must be made through the entry form below any entries posted on the MPP facebook wall, will not be
submitted as an entry. Also, any entries made through another party will not be submitted.